You know the drill by nowf you require to keep your brain in good shape, you need to have a good diet, Manage stress, and have as much physical exercise and mental stimulation as possiblehe question is, what exactly is mental stimulationnd, is all mental stimulation the sames doing your first crossword puzzle the same as doing crossword puzzle number one millionhe answer: it's not all the sameeal mental stimulation or "brain training" is different from "easy", routine, mental activityet's take the example of physical activityhere is a clear difference between physical activity and physical exercisehysical activity takes place whenever we move our body or engage in a leisure activity that involves moving our body (e., playing pool)hysical exercise (eogging) refers to the repeated and structured activity of particular parts of our bodieshile both physical activity and physical exercise may bring benefits, it is the latter that helps build ... [Read More - How To Lose Weight Slowly And Effectively]

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